At a recent 600-yard High Power prone match in Florida, Frank Diaz shot a spectacular 200-26X score. He was firing his 6 BRX rifle with sling and scope in the Any Sights/Any Rifle category at the Port Malabar Rifle & Pistol Club. This is a remarkable accomplishment — we have never heard of a higher ‘Any/Any’ score shot at this distance on a 20-round stage with sling support. How do you score twenty-six Xs in a 20-shot match, you may ask? The answer is that, under the NRA rules, a competitor who shoots a perfect score (all 10s in X-Ring for his record shots), can continue to fire until he eventually places a shot outside the X-Ring. So Frank hit 26 Xs in a row. Wow.

Frank reports: “I shot a 200-26X at Port Malabar, FL at 600 yards using sling and scope. The wind was light, moving from Northeast to East at 5 to 10 mph. The gun was a 6mm BRX with 32.8 grains of Varget. My gun features a Barnard action, Brux barrel chambered by Paul Larson, and an H&H prone stock with work done by Alex Sitman (MasterClass Stocks). I [sometimes] shoot this gun with irons but for this match I mounted a Nightforce 12-42″